
Filmjlksbrd med lingon
Filmjlksbrd med lingon

filmjlksbrd med lingon

Weigh the berries and put them in a bowl or a jar.ģ. Pick over the berries to remove any leaves or twigs, rinse them and then drain so the berries are reasonably dry.Ģ.

filmjlksbrd med lingon

Instead they are usually transformed into rårörda lingon (literally, raw stirred lingonberries). Making rårörda lingonīecause lingonberries are rather bitter they are seldom served on their own. Swedes consume massive quantities of lingonberries, so it is quite common to find offers for 5 kg of lingonberries on markets in Sweden! Most Swedes have a large bag of lingonberries in their freezer. Outside of Scandinavia it is hard to buy fresh lingonberries, but sometimes it is possible to buy frozen lingonberries from specialist shops or online suppliers. Out of season, it is also easy to buy frozen lingonberries in Sweden. They are somewhat messy, as the juice tends to leak so often market traders put on a pair of plastic gloves when serving lingonberries. They are surprisingly inexpensive at around 50 SEK/kg (€5/kg, £4/kg, $3/lb). Buying lingonberriesįresh lingonberries are sold all over Sweden in August and September. As a result Swedish children were traditionally encouraged to have lingonberry jam with porridge for breakfast and to have a portion of lingonberries with many main courses. Eating lingonberries is said to ward off certain cancers and to help prevent some types of infection.


Lingonberries are full of powerful antioxidants which are said to neutralise the sun's radiation and help prevent skin damage. Then they become quite sophisticated, as the combination of their natural bitterness with the sweetness from the sugar goes well with game, meat, fish and with several desserts. They have shiny, rather hard skins when fresh, but they are transformed with a little sugar.

filmjlksbrd med lingon

Their tasteĪlthough the berries might look attractive on bushes they are not good to eat in their raw state as they are quite bitter. They ripen in August and September and are picked with a scrabbler, a wide fork-like tool, which can strip a bush very quickly. Lingonberries grow in the wild in Sweden on small bushes in woodlands and on moorlands. Lingonberries are also known as cowberries and occasionally as mountain or lowbush cranberries, red bilberries or whortleberries. They are considered to be an essential accompaniment to many Swedish dishes, most notably köttbullar (meatballs), kåldomar (stuffed cabbage rolls) and raggmunk(potato pancakes). Lingonberries are widely used in Swedish food.

Filmjlksbrd med lingon